Wednesday, March 9, 2011

stressful morning

This morning i lost my wallet on the way to work. I know i had it when i got on the bus as i put my bus ticket in the machine and then back in my wallet. I got to work and went to put in my dry cleaning and it wasn't in my handbag, either left on the bus or fallen out of my bag and onto the pavement. I panicked and re traced my steps and left several frantic messages with the bus depot to see if they have it. They didn't have it.

So now I'm in limbo, I've put a freeze on all my cards, i don't have any cash and i feel naked without my wallet. Its worse than losing my phone at least i can get call that and i have a backup of all my numbers on my PC.

I love my wallet itself, its not expensive but its me and am not looking forward to replacing it and all my cards.

I'm just hoping there are still kind people out there who hand in wallets and i have it returned to me soon.

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