Saturday, March 26, 2011

Home Repairs

So this afternoon i am here waiting for the owner of the rental property i live in to fix the issues I reported last week with the kitchen tap and the bathroom door.With the owner of the house doing the repairs it meant that i had to scrub the place from head to toe and do that extra special clean up. I know i didint have to however i felt that he was coming to make sure i am keeping the place clean as well as fix the issues.
With a trades person doing you repairs you don't have to make conversation or even make them a cup of tea.. The owner i kind of feel i have to...  but it would just be an easier process if i was dealing with a trades person on a weekday and not giving up my saturday afternoon to make polite banter over cups of tea with the owner. Oh well looks like his mug is low i must put the kettle on again...

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