Wednesday, March 30, 2011

heart matters

Your heart is on your left cause it can't always be right.

Monday, March 28, 2011


I am a huge fan of NRL, the Brisbane Broncos and of course Darren Lockyer. After 17 years in the game Darren has announced his retirement from NRL. In my opinion he has handled his career on and off the field professionally and is the best player in the game. He has played and captioned at the elite level – State of Origin and Australia – and broken his fair share of records without too much fanfare. I am biased but I am sad to see such a legend of the game retire especially one that I have watched run around the field in my favourite colours for so long. I wish Darren and his family all the best and look forward to watching him play for the rest of the season.

Now to book those state of origin tickets and flights J

Time fly's...

WOW its Monday and i am back at work after 3 days off, i swear it feels like i only had 1 day off. I know we all say this every year but 2011 is truly flying by! Weeks seem to speed by with a jumble of workload stress, catch up's with the wolfpack and boot camp sessions. I have such a set routine i am not finding there is anything truly memorable about the weeks flying by. So again i make another pledge here to make my weeks (and days) memorable and post the little reasons why. Because as i said before and my desktop picture reminds me:

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Home Repairs

So this afternoon i am here waiting for the owner of the rental property i live in to fix the issues I reported last week with the kitchen tap and the bathroom door.With the owner of the house doing the repairs it meant that i had to scrub the place from head to toe and do that extra special clean up. I know i didint have to however i felt that he was coming to make sure i am keeping the place clean as well as fix the issues.
With a trades person doing you repairs you don't have to make conversation or even make them a cup of tea.. The owner i kind of feel i have to...  but it would just be an easier process if i was dealing with a trades person on a weekday and not giving up my saturday afternoon to make polite banter over cups of tea with the owner. Oh well looks like his mug is low i must put the kettle on again...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Have a B.E.A-utiful weekend

I plan to have a few champers with the girls for Miss Natalie's birthday, as i mentioned in my last post i will be working over the weekend so I'm planning to just chill out on Saturday night with a little you ling we bring (aka Thai) and catch up with one of my dearest friends Keryn for Sunday breakfast and holiday planning.

Have a B.E.A-utiful weekend and i will see you back here on Monday xx

Malaga Wine

Hot Tip - Do not get your nails done prior to a big office churn weekend where you have to pack up your desk and help out with comms room patching, smudgy chipped polish after 12 hours is NOT a hot look. On the other hand i am LOVING this OPI colour sick!

P.S Please Do not be concerned i actually do have a thumb however it has a big chip missing out of it and was totally unworthy of being in this photo. Thanking you for thinking about my thumb lol

Thursday, March 17, 2011

pick me up

I'm tired and stressed and my face is telling everyone that storey no matter how much yves saint laurent touche eclat radiant touch or bobby brown under eye corrector i use.

I need a pick me up, i am craving a lush spa session at Endota - deluxe facial and a few rounds of OMNILUX Light Therapy and a stress reliveing massage. Unfortunately my budget wont strech that far so im planning to do a home facial tonight and indulge in a massage and a paint and shape at the OPI bar at DJ's. I'm also going to increase my water intake and try get to sleep by 10pm tonight.

What do you do for a pick me up??

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Dear blog,

I had so many hopes, ideas, wishes, dreams and plans for you to succeed and be a creative outlet for me however recently blogging has been a chore and one of the last things i want to do. Often i open the new post and start to ramble on and then stop... and think why am i doing this? who is reading it anyway? Ive lost sight of why I'm doing this and who for... me.

Dear blog you have been so good to me, you look almost how i wanted you too, i have used you to capture so many thoughts, feelings and inspirations that i feel guilty for giving up and abandoning you. I'm sorry. I will re focus, continue to post, hopefully more often and find something inspiring or the little things to share.

Thanks for your patience with me and not getting cross.

Your author,

Beck xx

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

stressful morning

This morning i lost my wallet on the way to work. I know i had it when i got on the bus as i put my bus ticket in the machine and then back in my wallet. I got to work and went to put in my dry cleaning and it wasn't in my handbag, either left on the bus or fallen out of my bag and onto the pavement. I panicked and re traced my steps and left several frantic messages with the bus depot to see if they have it. They didn't have it.

So now I'm in limbo, I've put a freeze on all my cards, i don't have any cash and i feel naked without my wallet. Its worse than losing my phone at least i can get call that and i have a backup of all my numbers on my PC.

I love my wallet itself, its not expensive but its me and am not looking forward to replacing it and all my cards.

I'm just hoping there are still kind people out there who hand in wallets and i have it returned to me soon.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the little things

Today I need to power through the masses of project documentation that needs to be completed this week. One of my main strategies is to write a priority list, a questions list, get a large coffee, divert the phone(s) to voicemail, close out of my email and plug my ipod in and power through. I am lucky to work with people who understand this and let me go for it.

Whether its your ipod on the bus ride home, playing music while your getting ready, the radio in your car, your favourite cd to lift your mood, Music on - World off says it all doesn't it??