Wednesday, November 17, 2010

shoal bay

Guess who’s back… back again… I’m back… from Shoal Bay.

I’m back after a weekend away with the girls at Shoal Bay for Miss Tanya’s birthday. We all had a great time and stayed at the beautiful Shoal Bay Resort and Spa. There was massages, many giggles and yummy food consumed.

Things we learnt:
  • The true meaning of the word Derek
  • That Mr Fletcher blocked the water pump and they’re ALL CRAZY!
  • That we are really great at rapping along to Eminem
  • Beating lollies out of a cardboard box with a stick really is fun
  • Sand is a good to exfoliate with
  • Always take both room keys
  • ‘Sherry Baby’ will get stuck in your head for ages
  • There is a big peach in Nelson Bay
  • The relaxation room is not very relaxing
  • You have to be desperate to use the bathroom if you stop at a truck stop
I feel a lot more like myself after a weekend away with the girls, it was just what I need to put myself right again. It reminded me how much I need to tae time out for myself to rest and rejuvenate.

Have a great week x

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