Monday, November 22, 2010

back to happiness

How was your weekend? My was as glorious as i had hoped it would be. I had a date with my couch, managed find time to spring clean, had a gorgeous lunch with Lulu at Andrew Boy Charlton pools, celebrated Tanya's actual birthday with noodles and cocktail jugs, caught up with my family, snuck in some shopping and got extremely dissapointed when Nina and Chris did not get it on.

This week i feel back to happiness, i was sitting in my little courtyard with my feet up, paper on my lap, music in the background, glass of wine next to me and i realised im back to happiness. I'm back to being happy and content with my life. The internal storm i was battling has ended and i am ready to move on and upwards with my life. I'm ready to let the past stay in the past.

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