Monday, November 8, 2010

allocated seating at the cinemas…is it really that hard?

Is it just me or do you also find when you go to the cinema’s that there is always a commotion about people being in the wrong seats?? What is so hard about finding and sitting in the seat number that is printed on your ticket?

There are quite a few helpful hints that make this easier for everyone, if you haven’t seen them let me clue you in:
·    There is a map near the door of the cinema showing you the layout with the row and seat numbers clearly marked (subject to vandalism)
·    The row letters are clearly marked at the end of the row/ stairs (subject to vandalism)
·    The seat numbers are again clearly marked on the cup holders on every seat (subject to vandalism)
·    You get to choose where you seat whether it be when you purchase your tickets online or when you get asked by the person serving you ‘front, middle, back?’
·    If you are still unable to find ‘H-19’ then  ask a friendly staff member to help you

So please take note of these helpful hints next time you go to the cinema and if all this fails then just wait till the movie comes out on DVD J

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