Monday, February 28, 2011

skinny jeans

If i was ever Anna Wintour for a day i would ban skinny jeans, then ban flesh coloured clothing and then i would eat something fabulous like a hearty lasagna with extra cheese washed down by full fat coke yum!

Okay skinny jeans and i have a love hate relationship, i love how they look and hate how i cannot wear them. I am the proud owner of rather muscular calves the kind that were not considered when skinny jeans and knee high boots become fashion staples. Who came up with the name 'skinny' anyway? It sounds terribly judgemental. They started as a fad and have now become a staple with a wide range for slim calved women to choose from season after season. This is slightly annoying to me but not enough to ban them.

This isn't about my calves I have found my staple jeans brand and colour that looks great and i love them. What this post is really about it skinny jeans on men. When did that become mainstream? And by mainstream i mean the guys at work are wearing them on casual Friday and 9 out of 10 guys are wearing them at the pub on Saturday night. I think they look not quite right on most men, granted there are a few who can pull it off but there are a lot of men who cant. How do these guys fit into skinny jeans? Are they making them less skinny for men? Are men losing weight so they can fit into skinny jeans? Do you like men in skinny jeans? Would you ban skinny jeans?

1 comment:

Vanessa Stern said...

Thanks for the feedback on the shade! I am the same way with skinny jeans. Fortunately, I found a great pair during my pregnancy at Pea in the Pod and I wear them all the time - I am 3 months post pregnancy now. They have lots of stretch, stretchy waist and definitely slim down my larger legs to make me "look" slim.
